List Strategies

List Strategies: Slice and Dice Pros

List Strategies Graphic PrimeNet Direct Mail

Your #1 Choice Mailing List Provider

The list marketing professionals at PrimeNet are experts at selecting, editing and organizing multiple sources of consumer and business list data. Our setup provides quick and flexible information and lists for all of your mailing list service needs.

On the consumer side, we have the largest residential list database in the U.S. We also provide data overlays of compiled and census data with a wide variety of demographic and lifestyle information. And financial risk.

On the business side, we have multiple sources, and can merge, purge and sort by SIC, business size, title, and other factors.


Mailing List FAQ:

Q: How often are consumer mailing lists updated?

A: Depending on the type of list file, most compilers publish a new database build at least once a month. “Rolling-hot” lists, such as the New Mover and New Homeowner databases, are updated once per week, usually on Fridays.

Q: What is the accuracy of an acquired mailing list?
A: On average, for most Consumer data, we can guarantee deliverability of 92-94%.
For the majority of Business data, we can guarantee deliverability of 85%. The industry standard for Business data is 80% deliverability.

Q: What demographics would be the best fit for my business?
A: Based on your specific products and/or services, we can guide you to your ideal targeted prospects. Our specialists will listen to you and learn about what your objectives are. We’ll then guide you in the right direction(s). There are several different routes to take to get to the same end results.

Q: How is the list data compiled?
A: Compiled data is pulled from an array of sources. These sources include public records such as surveys, telephone directories, credit bureaus, online inquiries, shopping returns and many other public sources.

Q: Should I mail to a business list, consumer list, or residential list?
A: The answer to this will be based on your type of business. Speak with one of our list specialists who will listen to your objectives and understand your customers, then determine the best type of database to use.



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