Financial Seminar Invitations

Seminar Invitations Bring Leads Right to You.

Financial seminars have changed vastly over the years but still remain the most effective prospecting method utilized by financial presenters today. But – what makes a successful seminar? Below are some proven techniques you may want to consider utilizing in order to help boost the attendance at your next event – and turn prospects into clients.

financial seminar invitation direct mail

1. Get to Know Your Audience

It is imperative to learn about your target audience before mailing out invitations to your financial seminar. The goal: To fill the room with qualified prospects that are most likely to need the services you’re offering. Inviting the right prospects should be top priority to make sure your time and marketing dollars are put to good use. It is imperative that your presentation fits your audience’s demographic and needs.

2. Time it Right

Be sure to select the correct day of the week and the correct time of day to host your financial seminar. It is important to keep in mind the following:

Tuesdays and Thursdays typically are ideal– and alternating weeks will help to include individuals who could potentially be out of town for a particular week.

Don’t schedule seminars or other marketing events the day after national holidays such as Labor Day, 4th of July, etc…

The time of day you start the seminar can make or break your event. Typically, for Senior Seminar events, 4pm-4:30pm starts are best. For Baby Boomer Events, 6pm-6:30pm is more appropriate to start.

3. Offer a Meal – or Not?

Dinner Seminars: Dinner seminars can be quite an effective marketing strategy. Financial advisors who host these events realize that costs associated with providing a meal is a small price to pay to reach their qualified prospects.

“No-Food” Seminars: Alternative to hosting meals, educational workshops that are offered as a class at a local community center or venue are an effective marketing strategy because some advisors feel that offering an educational class without meals will only attract individuals who are serious about learning the information that will be presented.

4. Be Informative and To-The-Point

Making sure your presentation is educational and highly informative for attendees should be very high on the list. Educating prospects early in the client relationship building process will help set good expectations and help build a better rapport.

5. Know Your Presentation Inside and Out

Do the necessary research to learn all the ins-and-outs of what you’re presenting. Knowing basic public speaking skills and perfecting your presentation will help project an image of a confident and trustworthy professional. It is imperative that people view you as an expert as you’re presenting your information. Bring notes, but be aware that constantly looking at your notes will create the perception that you are uncomfortable with the topic. Confidence sells.

6. Be Welcoming and Easy To Talk To

A seminar is a fantastic opportunity to present a strategy to use your financial product or service. It is also a chance to meet prospects in person, shake hands and establish a personal connection. This initial contact provides you with the the opportunity to gather more information regarding their needs and concerns. This strategy will help in closing business in subsequent encounters with them.

7. Make Appointment Setting Simple for Guests

To help ensure your success, it is vital for the presenter to create and allow time for the appointment setting process both at the beginning and end of the presentation. As an example, you may begin by calling attention to the financial seminar paperwork in front of everyone. Explain the importance of filling out the forms completely. Instruct guests to write down any questions pertaining to the topics covered at your financial seminar as you move through your presentation. Let people know that you will be available to answer questions later in a more one-on-one setting.

Be sure to allow time for setting appointments at the end of your event. Alternatively, you can let guests know that you will be calling to follow-up with them the next morning to set an appointment. When possible, try to schedule appointments before the 2 week mark passes.

8. Always Follow-Up

For those who are unable to book appointments at the financial seminar, it is of utmost importance that you follow-up with each and every attendee. Follow-up calls should be made as early as the morning after the event. Follow-up calls that are made too late will lose the interest inspired at the event.  A ‘best practice’ for setting the expectation of a follow-up is to offer guests the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have thought of after the event is over.

If you are trying to figure out how to boost attendance at your seminar events, please feel free to call or otherwise contact us today!


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