This Multi-Coupon Mailer is sure to get the right offer in front of your customer! This is a five panel, oversized letter which can accommodate multiple offers – and multiple offers will assure that you can present the perfect offer to entice any recipient. This type of direct mail piece is perfect for service coupons, maintenance reminders, equipment discount vouchers, cash back vouchers, free gift vouchers, or any other offer you can dream up!
Our dedicated creative design team can work with you to customize your mailer however you would like! Additionally, the option is available to have coupons perforated for easy tear-off. Our Multi-Coupon Mailer is cost-effective and offers a great value and opportunity to businesses that are targeting a specific neighborhood or service area. And the best part? There is no need to worry about working with the post office or compiling your mailing list! Just contact us to get started and we will take care of the rest!
Multi-Coupon Mailers will Get the RIGHT OFFER in Front of Your Customer!
This direct mail piece is a great choice for the service industry due to the variety of coupons, but can be modified to accommodate any business which offers promotional discounts to increase traffic and conversions!
– 8.5 x 17″ letter 1 sided
– Four Color
– Folded & Inserted into a #10
…window envelope
– Resident List
– Personalized Mailer
– Product Design
– Dedicated Account Manager
– Mail Delivery
– Postal Receipt & Delivery Reports
Call Today to Get Started!
Other industry samples can be viewed here.