PrimeWARM Targeted Online Advertising

What is PrimeWARM Direct Mail PLUS Online Marketing?

It’s where direct mail plus online marketing come together to deliver results! Using a complete mailing list, PrimeNet is able to match household Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and deliver targeted advertising to a select audience to match up with the mail piece delivered. Studies have shown that repetition builds familiarity, and consumers are more likely to invest what is familiar.

Here’s how PrimeWARM works:
(For this example, we’ll be mailing to 10,000 households.)

1. Choose a geographic area using zip code(s) or PrimeNet’s mapping tool!

2. Design a postcard to mail to 10,000 names. Our creative team will be happy to work with you to come up with an effective design to draw attention.

Postcards Direct Mail plus Online Marketing


3. Mail 10,000:
• 5,000 receive postcard only
• 5,000 receive postcard +PrimeWARM®

4. Process:
• Using the complete mailing list, PrimeNet will match household Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for 5,000 names (Note: Estimated match rate is 80%)
• When the household is on their computer, online and searching for similar services to what is in your mailer, they will see:

PrimeWARM Direct Mail plus Online Marketing





We will work with you to come up with an effective online ad design to match your postcard.


Response for Direct Mail plus Online Marketing

• Postcards Only – 1.50%
• Postcards + PrimeWARM – 2.5%



Call PrimeNet today to use PrimeWARM on your next marketing project!


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