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5 Strategies That Will Transform Your Marketing

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Featured Image Courtesy of Advisor Business Benefits.

Business owners can take their marketing campaigns into a deeper dimension of excellence and expedience. Below you’ll find just five of many strategies that you can deploy to make your marketing efforts more effective:

1. Target Market Research.

The first stage of any effective marketing campaign is target market research. The research process is an important and ultimately imperative component of the advertising process because it ensures that you have a firm grasp on who your audience is and what their needs are. The research work can tell you things like whether they prefer traditional or online shopping, their income level, and other key forms of data which can and should directly impact the way you market products to them.

2. Social Media Optimization (SMO).

One of the best ways to transform your marketing process is through the implementation of SMO strategies. These strategies are empowering because they will help you communicate with your target audience in a casual, organic manner. Some of the social media channels that you may want to begin communicating with your audience through include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. This kind of communication is important because casual modes of communicating can accelerate the relationship-building process. When customers feel connected to your brand, they are more likely to return to your business, recommend your products and services to a friend, and leave a positive business review. Ultimately, these online interactions will extend your audience and draw more customers to your business. 

3. Content Marketing.

Another technique that you can deploy to transform your company’s advertising efficacy is content marketing. The quality of your content plays a key role in determining things like how much site traffic you attain, customer retention, your dimension of online authority, and conversion rates. As such, you want to take strides to ensure that every piece of content you produce is exceptional.

4. Print Marketing.

While online marketing is an incredibly effective way to make your business known in the digital world, traditional forms of advertising can still yield incredible results. Explore print marketing. It is a traditional and successful marketing modality. There are multiple types of printed material you can utilize to ensure that your brand is capable of catching and keeping the audience’s attention. Some of them include:

  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Brand Development/Rebranding
  • Interactive Presentations and Media via QR Codes
  • Matching Print Materials to Web Design and Development
  • Logos and Corporate Identity Promotional Materials
  • Graphic Design
  • Full Service Offset Printing

Make sure when you are doing print marketing, that you are keeping things organized. Try to stay away from the clutter so you can pay attention to what is being delivered to your target audience.

5. Direct Mail.

Direct mail marketing is another advertising technique you can implement to push your business forward. This strategy works for many reasons, one of which is that it can be highly personal. For example, a handwritten letter or card can show a prospect that you don’t view them as a number and have taken time to address them individually. Also note that the direct mail process can be incredibly creative or strategic. You can include all types of promotional items and gifts in the mail, provide offers for them to sign up for newsletters, etc.


Corporate leaders and entrepreneurs who are determined to make their marketing process more effective than ever should know that they can. Five strategies you can use to get things going and growing are outlined above. Begin using these advertising strategies immediately so your organization can start attaining exceptional results!

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Marketing Techniques to Make Your Storefront More Inviting

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Storefront businesses are in a world of change right now. The internet and social media have changed the way people shop and as a result, have drastically changed the way businesses market. Today we all hear about the benefits of marketing online, connecting over social media, and using reviews to boost your site. What isn’t as discussed are the physical aspects of marketing.

Marketing Techniques to Make Your Storefront More Inviting

It seems like they might be irrelevant, but having a physical way to connect and remind customers of who you are is the most effective way of gaining sales. When it comes to street-side or storefront advertisements, you’ll have to use better techniques than you did in the past to get people to walk in your doors. Even if you don’t have much foot traffic, setting up a newsletter or sending out coupons to targeted lists of consumers can help give you an edge over online competition. Don’t just let your sales keep dropping, use the tips below and get more traffic coming through your doors.

Open Doors

Having your doors open on a sunny day gives you more visual opportunities to entice shoppers inside. Provide an interesting sidewalk display that naturally leads inside or use signage to promote a sale or new product. If you are concerned about potential safety issues, use outdoor security cameras to keep merchandise safe, and to see when potential customers stop. When someone stops to check out your display, have an associate greet them or lead them to similar items inside the store if they show an interest.

Bold Colors

What is going to attract more people: a neutral tone or a bright, bold color? Obviously, the second one. Even if your logo or other store colors are subdued, don’t limit your ability to get attention with good signage or storefront colors. Use colors like orange, pink, or red that draw the eye to your store. You could find you get a lot more foot traffic than before. Then, work on your staff training to convert this traffic into additional sales for your top line revenue. Work with a good print system so your posters, advertisements, and window graphics are glossy, bright, and won’t fade overnight. Even if they don’t stay, you can hand out coupons or postcards with reminders of future sales, making your open door an easy “in” for future business.

Calls to Action

There is a concept in marketing called the “call to action”. Essentially, this means you use action words to prompt customers to purchase your product or sign up for something. They may be on the edge, but they need that final little push, which is what the call to action provides. Things like “come in and see our low prices”, or “sign up for a free t-shirt today!” are great examples of this. Go a step further and target your repeat customers or those that sign on with a mailing list with calls to action in the form of postcards that include sales or coupons. Directly contacting them provides a physical reminder of you and your products as well as markets to a more specific audience.

If you’re looking to stay competitive in today’s world with a brick and mortar store, you need to do more than open the doors in the morning. You need to find ways to make it more inviting than before. Today, consumers can shop online in minutes and find something that fits their needs. If you want them to use your store instead of your competition, you have to offer them something that makes it easy to shop with you. Follow the tips above and enjoy higher profits and sales. And make sure to hire and train the right staff that will execute the plan you come up with.



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