Are You Ready for Back to School Season? Direct Mail for Tutoring and Education Services

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Are You Ready for Back to School Season? Direct Mail for Tutoring and Education Services

It’s official, the kids are back in school! While parents may be rejoicing, they may also be realizing that the less-than-conventional education that most students received last year may leave them falling behind. That’s where YOU come in.

Many students may be in need of additional tutoring sessions, study programs, and extra educational help this year. But, how do you make sure that these students and their parents are choosing you for these services over your competition? Well… that’s where WE come in.

Why Direct Mail?

There is a very simple reason why direct mail marketing campaigns still thrive in this digital age: they work!

Think about how many ads you will see on television or hear on the radio– or see on billboards throughout the day. It’s so many. It’s enough that consumers have learned how to tune them out.

A simple reason people might ignore this kind of advertising so easily is because it’s not tangible. Direct mail, on the other hand, so very tangible – you hold it! It gives you a sale, promotion or coupon that you can grasp right in your hand. That’s quite a bit harder to ignore.

Check out some examples of what your next educational direct mail campaign may look like:

Why PrimeNet?

PrimeNet Direct Marketing Solutions is a full-service direct marketing company. We have been in business since 1962… that’s over 50+ years of direct mail experience!

Personalized Experience
When you work with PrimeNet, you will have your own personal account manager that will focus on your business and help you get the results you are looking for.

Targeted List Strategies
We also offer list services. This means that WE can do the work of figuring out who to mail your marketing campaigns to. Based on your specific products and/or services we can target your ideal prospects. For example, we can be sure to send your tutoring advertisement to parents of age-appropriate children, in a specific income bracket, within a radius of your educational institute. Learn more about our list services here.

Creative Services
Don’t have an artist on your team? No problem! PrimeNet offers creative services AT NO ADDITIONAL COST for your marketing needs. Our creative designers are in-house and have extensive experience in the direct marketing industry. They will work with you to make your educational piece attract new clients to your business. Check out some of our samples!

Need additional printed materials?

PrimeNet Direct Marketing Solutions is more than just direct mail! We can help you with any print needs that you may have. Whether it’s postcards, letters, flyers, posters, pamphlets, or brochures — we’ve got you covered.

Using a high quality printing company like PrimeNet can make the difference between appearing as a professional or an amateur.

For more advice on how to make sure you are choosing the best printing provider for your business, check out this blog post.

Are you ready to start a lead-generating marketing campaign for your educational service?

To start your next direct mail campaign, contact PrimeNet today! With a combination of attractive art and a top-notch mailing list, you’ll be sure to attract customers in no time!

Call PrimeNet today at 1-800-826-2869 or fill out our contact form here.

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