Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From The Super Bowl

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Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From The Super Bowl

The only time in American culture that people look forward to watching commercials: The Super Bowl. People will sometimes go to great lengths to avoid commercials altogether – like using the DVR or live streaming. BUT – its the total opposite on Super Bowl Sunday. Why can that be? Let’s have a look at some marketing lessons you can learn from Super Bowl commercial ads.

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Have a Clear Message

We must admit, some Super Bowl ads are confusing. They’ve got a small time slot, not dissimilar to the amount of time someone might be seeing your own ad before deciding to drop out or keep reading – your message absolutely must be clear and concise. Don’t assume artsy metaphors will be interpreted the same way you might intend them.

So, ask yourself: “What is my point? What do I want? How can I be clear but creative? How can I get my message across quickly?” After all, what good is your message if the person on the other end doesn’t understand its purpose?

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Make Your Viewers Laugh

People look forward to Super Bowl ads because they assume they are going to be top quality, best of the best. They look forward to the wow factor, and a potential laugh. A lot of brainstorming, testing and research goes into creating content for these premier, sought-after time slots. Not to mention, a LOT of cash. Creativity and humor are key!

Even if the content you are pushing may be considered as ‘boring’ to the average person, you’ve got to give it something humorous or quirky to make it stand out while still keeping it serious business, as to not discredit the product or service you are offering.

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Know Your Audience

How can you connect with your audience if you don’t know who they are? You can’t, unless we’re talking about a lucky accident. All great marketing happens on purpose, whether the audience realizes it or not. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched events in the history of on-air television, catering to millions of viewers. When Budweiser markets a Super Bowl ad about not drinking and driving (because you need to make it home …) – they are absolutely targeting the right audience, since going out and drinking alcohol is an undeniable part of many Super Bowl experiences.

Your content should be engaging, educational, and make use of emotions. People need to not just see your advertising message, but to really feel it.

If you keep these simple points in mind, you’re on your way to effective advertising, no matter what you are offering.

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