Marketing Madness: Techniques for Any Industry in March

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Marketing Madness: Techniques for Any Industry in March

Now that the Super Bowl is over, it’s time to focus your marketing efforts on the next big sports event: Basketball Tournaments in March! It’s time to put those footballs away and slam dunk your next marketing campaign.

Be Careful With Your Taglines!

The official title for the NCAA basketball finals event is a very catchy phrase. However, before you get excited and begin running your next sale, you need to be aware of the implications of what taglines and catchphrases you use. The official event name of the basketball finals is copyrighted and trademarked by the NCAA. This means that the phrase cannot be used by anyone else without permission without violating the trademark. How do you know if something is trademarked? One of the best resources to search for trademarks is the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO.) Here you can be sure that any taglines you are trying to use for marketing purposes won’t land you a cease and desist notice, or worse – sued.

Instead, marketers have come up with other clever taglines to still get the point across. Try using terms like “March Mania,” “March Markdown Madness,” or even “Slam Dunk Savings.”

March Postcards, letters, madness, mania, basketball marketing

What Else is Happening in March?

Incorporate other events into your March marketing campaign. The madness in March kicks off during the same week as St. Patrick’s Day. This is the perfect opportunity to merge the two topics. Perhaps you can develop a “mascot” of a leprechaun dribbling a basketball. March also brings about thoughts of spring. Maybe your customers can “spring into savings” just as basketballs can “spring” off the ground. March is also still a popular time for people to be getting their tax refunds. Why not incorporate tax-themed lingo and sales into your campaign as well? If you can use more than one theme, and do it well, this technique can draw more attention to your campaign.

Why Should Your Customers Care About Your March Mania?

Okay, it’s basketball season. So what? Why should your customers care? Give them a reason to! A good marketing campaign is all about what you can offer to your customer. Whether you are promoting a new service, or running a sale on a product, your customer needs a reason to WANT what you are selling. One tried and true way of doing this is to run a sale. Customers love a good deal. Another enticing offer is a giveaway offer. To go with the March Mania theme, perhaps you can give away a free basketball with purchase. You could also run a raffle for a brand new TV (for them to watch the games on, of course!) For customers who are big lovers of basketball tournament festivities, hold a bracket contest. Offer prizes for who has the most correct bracket of the season. All of these incentives will entice your customers to come to you, and spend their money with you.

Marketing for Your Industry

One of the main industries that centers their marketing around the madness of basketball season in March is the automotive industry. Don’t sell cars? Don’t fret! Anyone can use March Mania themes for their marketing with just a bit of creativity. For example, restaurants and bars can run different drink specials or create new menu items with basketball themed names. You can also host viewing parties. Make your business be the place everyone wants to go (and spend their money) during the tournament! The HVAC industry can run a special on air conditioner tune-ups. Make sure your air conditioner is “game-ready.” Even someone in realty could use something as simple as “The ball is in your court.” If you put the right spin on it, any industry could benefit from marketing centered around March Mania.

Use Direct Mail in Your Marketing

March Mania Postcard, Markdown Madness Auto

While digital ads will be bombarding your customers, offer them something different with a unique piece of mail. For example, this “pop-out” piece is an interactive experience for the customer. This helps your marketing efforts become more memorable in customers’ minds. Direct mail campaigns also allow you to use targeted data to specify the exact customers you are wanting to bring in.

In conclusion, no matter what you do for basketball season, just be sure you do something. Let PrimeNet help you with your March campaign today! You can call 1-800-826-2869 or fill out the contact form on this page.

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